
TheFormulaforMarginalRateofTechnicalSubstitution:MRTS=-MPL/MPK.Here,MPLreferstothemarginalproductoflabour,andMPKreferstothemarginal ...,Whenrelativeinputusagesareoptimal,themarginalrateoftechnicalsubstitutionisequaltotherelativeunitcostsoftheinputs,andtheslopeofthe ...,Themarginalrateoftechnicalsubstitutioniswhereaninputfactorisreducedwhiletheotherisincreasedwithoutchangingtheoutput.,,2024年2...

Marginal Rate of Substitution

The Formula for Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution: MRTS = -MPL/MPK. Here, MPL refers to the marginal product of labour, and MPK refers to the marginal ...

Marginal rate of technical substitution

When relative input usages are optimal, the marginal rate of technical substitution is equal to the relative unit costs of the inputs, and the slope of the ...

Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS)

The marginal rate of technical substitution is where an input factor is reduced while the other is increased without changing the output.

Marginal Rate Of Technical Substitution

2024年2月1日 — The marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS) is an economic theory that describes the rate at which one factor will decrease to be ...


Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution 邊際技術替代率〔Lv 5〕. 邊際技術替代率(Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution,MRTS)是指在同一個生產數量之上(同一條 ...

邊際技術替代率,marginal rate of technical substitution, ...


邊際技術替代率,marginal rate of technical substitution,元照 ...
